You are eating lots of vegetables and thinking you will become healthy and lose weight but let’s be realistic, are you really getting the nutrient from them?

Or you are eating so many proteins and looking forward to gain some muscles but are you wasting your money?
Today I want to talk about a tiny little baby topic – enzyme. Yeah, if you know them, you know this is actually HUGE. Enzymes are soooooo important that I was actually in shock these info. only came to me in 2020, it actually makes me look stupid to write about them now.
You need to know about enzymes if you haven’t, but not too late, so that you can start eating right and stop wasting your money.
Enzymes break down fat, carbohydrate, and protein into their basic building blocks so that our body can digest and use them. Without enzymes, even the most balanced natural foods diet would be worthless – because the food cannot be digested and used by our body.
Unprocessed food contains much much more enzymes than processed food – probably zero?
For basic types of enzymes that our body needs are: protease for protein digestion, amylase for carbohydrate, lipase for fat, and cellulose for fiber digestion. Every type of raw food contains the right quantities and types of enzymes to digest that particular food. Apples that are high in carbohydrates contain high amounts of amylase, avocadoes high in fat on another hand, contain high amounts of lipase. That sounds great, but in reality, enzymes become devitalized in processed foods. Temperatures greater than 48° C. kill enzymes – even when you boil your broccoli.
When you are eating processed food, your body – white blood cells, actually need to help release more enzymes to digest these rubbish and toxin, that is also why your body’s immune system is weakened during digestion (or the period you eat way too much processed food).
So here is your TOP 10 easy-to-grab grocery food that contains lots of enzyme goodies to help your digest and body PH balance: Pineapple, papaya, mango, honey, banana, avocado, kefir, kimchi, miso, and kiwifruit. If you want a quick fix, try SWISSE BEAUTY MANUKA HONEY LIQUID – it is formulated with BraziZyme™, a special fermented complex created from 80 natural fruits, vegetables, herbs, and seeds. It also contains natural New Zealand Manuka Honey and lemon juice powder.

Note: This article is a personal opinion, you must consult your doctor before taking any related medications, some people may have allergy reactions to enzymes.
This blog post is a collaboration with SWISSE BEAUTY MANUKA HONEY LIQUID.
今年在科学健康方面, 我收获最大的是重新认知 Enzymes – “酵素”。 前短时间耳边有很多沸沸扬扬的声音, 大家对于“酵素” 都是半信半疑,今年终于对其进一步研究,发现酵素真的是身体内一切运转的基础。有很多人会说酵素到底有多少用,食物外舍摄取到底有没有用还未被证实, 但是我个人觉得一个人对健康主义的追求已经不仅仅是身体上的健康上的浅层次满足, 更是灵魂层次上的, 精神层次上的追求和信奉。 是一种高层次的生活方式的表达。再其次,Placebo Effect是被科学证实的, 如果你自己都不相信, 那么你的大脑也无法帮助你释放有助于你的化学物质。所以让我们相信酵素,给予身体所需要的高级好东东吧!
当食物进入我们的body, 不是所有ingredients可以被消化系统直接吸收,因为人是哺乳动物, 本身是不具备可以消化譬如纤维类的酵素的, 这就需要体外摄取(是不是感觉和omeg3有点像?) 而是胰腺发出命令, 释放专攻某种 “原材料“(诸如脂肪,糖类等)的enzymes, 从而让这些enzymes 帮你分解这些原材料。我们日常饮食中太多食物的不良化学原料会破坏掉这些酵素的生长环境,而且processed food 里面基本没有raw food 里面应该有的enzymes! 从而导致我们体内可能缺少某种酵素来助身体正常运转,从而可能导致体内毒素累积,无精打采,嗜睡,或皮肤不好等。enzymes简直可以被称作是人体内“immortal的小工蜂” 他们可以在我们的身体内一直保留下去,被反复的循环利用 – 帮助我们的身体运营 – 消化,维持酸碱平衡等。
说到酵素, 不得不提 @Swisse斯维诗 麦卢卡 “久寺酵素” “食妆”,其中我最喜欢的是 “久寺酵素”中其酵素的昂贵性和珍贵性。BraziZyme 跟其他酵素的培养基没法比 – from Brazil “自然遗产保护区”内“organic farm”作为origin,水为稀有超软水,跟普通土壤相比,更富含丰富营养,受重金属影响也可想而知的小。
不同种类的enzyme 在我们体内合理分工 – 有专门负责分解蛋白质的,让其重组为胶原蛋白的酵素。- 这不就是皮肤抗衰老的不二法则吗?这些特有酵素和VC紧密联合才能事半功倍,如果人体内没有吸收到足够的Vitamin C, 辣么制造胶原蛋白的酵素也无法有效地工作。 SWISSE麦卢卡久寺酵素 不但含有超过80种天然果蔬酵素,更有针叶樱桃和柠檬的提取,从而让其达到健康瘦身应有的效果。
最后强调:健康美丽的身体和肌肤,是科学饮食养出来的,不是10天半月可以立竿见影的。就像你体内的酵素,细心呵护,给予适当温床,才能够让其发挥作用, 调节体内酸碱平衡,帮助你分解消化吃进去的营养,从而让你的美丽和健康纤体“由内而外”的散发。
其实市面上的enzyme有太多, 我个人给个小建议: 至少觉得澳大利亚, 新西兰, 加拿大的都还是比较安全的,而且不会骗人。 欧洲的食品标准和药妆标准虽然也很高,但是毕竟人家赚的是欧元, 有时候感觉性价比不够高,除非是什么独一无二的东西。 纯属个人观点。