As one of the top three most expensive cities to live in 2019, along with Paris and Tokyo, Hong Kong is offering its citizens extremely small personal living space. Refurbish or design a place seems commonly off-the-topic. Today with a great example from an interior designer’s small studio in Melbourne, we can see some hope in Hong Kong’s interior design.
Some great tips about designing a small living space:
1 – Material.
If you want to live in a tasteful space for the coming years or even the rest of most of your life, DONT try to replace high-quality materials by cheap replicas or fake marble-look wallpaper etc, these will just gonna tore apart in few years and you will be the only one suffers. – Do use good material, real marble, and designer furniture if you can afford. This is the time you call it a “good investment”. A luxury lifestyle is not easy to come, but when you fight for it and finally got to live in it, you can say to yourself “I deserve this shit!”.
2. Lighting, Lighting, Lighting!
I personally can’t take a semi-dark place, and most Hong Kong apartments come with tiny baby windows (since Hong Kong is hot and humid most of the year) and so this can save on airconditioning?) I am a MUST-wake-up with-natural-lights-kinda person, so big windows everywhere is a YES-YES for me. That’s why I am knocking down all the walls in my new coming apartments so that the lighting from one side can go through the entire apartment. (more coming soon) Of course, this is something quite personal, but if you want great photos, great vibes when you wake up, then WORK for it! Don’t complain, when you think this space is not perfect, DO IT YOURSELF OR KEEP LOOKING.
3. What exactly do you want?
What is your goal? Do you want it casual, livable, cosy, homie, industrial, minimal, feminine, bright, colourful or Chinese style? STICK WITH IT AND DONT CHANGE AROUND.
“The best decisions are the ones you decide NOT to do.” I hate seeing interior that featuring more than one country or more than three colour hues. If you want it minimal, then you can’t be a hoarder or you have great great storage systems to cover your track. If you want it industrial, then don’t buy anything looks like “brand new”, cosy or modern, stick with it!
Great interior designs come with lots of preparation, study and reading, Pinterest is always there to help! You can never finish looking for examples on Pintest, so use it and IT IS FREE!
What do you think?
像香港这样普通人基本不可能拥有大空间的地方, 可以考虑即使小空间, 也可以做出精品来。 譬如这间Bloggers Boyfriend 体验的墨尔本设计师的设计作品, 全屋仅不到40平米, 但是绝对是把空间利用到极致, 又不失上流质感和品味。 整个房间以极简风和工业风为主题, 专注于材质的细节和高端的科技, 整面对着阳台的墙打掉作为玻璃落地窗门, 旋转式和做旧金属细节充满了单身白领男人味儿。 浴室也充满了我个人超级疯狂的特色:卫生间门框的“未完成感”的粗糙设计, 洗水槽和水管的外装以及纯血统的工业风等,大爱!
建议: 1. 材料: 拜访过许多类似的民俗和设计作品,但是主要的问题在于很多人想要偷工减料。 譬如,大理石不用大理石,要用类似或者看似大理石的墙纸,亚克力板等。 如果追求的是质感,这些非质感的“替代品” 都是致命伤。
- 采光: 漂亮的室内离不开采光, 对于采光一定要狠。 不该留的墙打掉, 可以采光的窗能多大就多大, 最好是落地的。 细节方面 铁栅栏, 护栏等都是精致interior design的致命伤。
- 风格要一致: 决定好风格后不要变。 要工业风,就千万不要混血可爱风, 日式或者中式。 我觉得混搭真的很可怕! 敲黑板: 混搭很可怕。
总而言之, 室内设计说简单就这么简单, 说难就是要你多花心思, 不要觉得投入的钱越多越好, 咱怎么说每个人的品味都不通,很多东西只要自己花心思多学习, 多参考1-2个小时, 你装修好后会快乐10-50年, 毕竟是自己的劳动成果,拼搏一生要住一辈子的地方,还是自己来掌控方向是最好的。 全包,找设计公司都是对自己的未来不负责任。 当然这是本人意见, 有些人急着赚钱上班, 装修根本不是重点,那就要另当别论了。