Interior, open-living, great great great lighting and crazy insane organising systems are some of the “musts” when comes to my living space and interior design standards.
- Industrial. Cosy, homie, feminine and convenient is definitely off the topic – at least for me. I want it out-of-this-world kind of cold, minimal and muted hue-ish. Make sure whatever you are chasing for is what you actually what, I really don’t care about how “inconvenient” some design may not be, my eyes and thirst for art comes first. #sorrynotsorry
- Open living. Knock them all down, open them all up, make it the way you want, play with it, but design it, take your time, ask questions, read articles, do it yourself, Pinterest surfing, so many ways to get what you want, as long as you want it badly enough you will actually put it into action.
- Less is more. If you can’t decide weather to bring it in or not, leave it!
工业风, 开放式, 采光一定要当冠军以及疯狂级的收纳向来都是我个人对室内设计的几大要求。
- 工业风。 太居家,太温馨向来不是我想要的, 所以各种风格主要以颓废,做旧, 色调冷淡为主。 这也是我想要强调的一点 – 如果自己装修自己的家, 一定要问自己到底要的是什么, 流行的东西毕竟有他好的道理, 但又毕竟不是自己的东西, 可以参考,但是一定要用大脑,给自己的标准高一点, 家做好了档次才会高, 看到太多漂亮的地方毁在便宜用料上。
- 开放式。 太爱open living, 为什么非要卧室是卧室, 客厅是客厅? 我就是要全部都share. 我们可以发现很多 designer studio, artists loft 都是别出心裁的, 这个在装修之前做足功夫, 开凿掉的凿掉,开敞开的敞开,窗户越大越好, 越多越好。 敲黑板: 我是理想主义, 不是现实主义, 我一生追求的就是圆自己的各种梦,拒绝现实主义。 当然现实主义也有ta的好 – 之前在Bali住过一家酒店,就是超级超级无敌大落地窗, 然后空调完全没有用, 热到睡不着。 当然可能也是空调不是大功率的缘故, 总而言之, 要考虑到很多因素, 包括大窗户在你的地理位置是不是可行,四季是不是可行, 电费到底要交多少之类的。
- 最后一点 Less is more. 宁可少一件也不要多一件,。 我的工业风骨子里是绝对藏着minimalism的.